Fat Loss Tip #2 – Alcohol


The quickest way to consume a large number of useless calories, and to spike you’re insulin levels is through drink.

There is around 180kcals in a glass of wine or a pint of beer. All of these calories are useless to the body, and provide no nutritional value at all. Take 3 of these (a small night out for most!) and you get 540kcals. Seeing as though most people only need to cut back around 400kcals a day to lose weight, you can see where a couple of glasses of wine a night can affect your weight. Alcohol also sends to cause bloating in most people, raising cortisol levels, and in turn, through long-term drinking you will store excess fat on your stomach and face.

fizzy drink cans

Fizzy drinks are another artificial form of drink– a can of coke is around 120kcals, but contains around 7 heaped teaspoons of sugar – a lot of damage to your teeth and a massive insulin spike, ready to store excess carbohydrates as fat!! Remember these are just drinks, not the extra food and drink you consume during the day! I wouldn’t like to think what some of you consume on a weekend………

I’m not saying remove alcohol from your diet completely, but just be aware that each drink you have contains empty calories, and will add onto your daily consumption. If you‘re looking to cutback calories, then these should be the first to remove, if you’re consuming them regularly.

Stick to water(2+litres per day) and green tea(2+cups per day), not only will the body function better, but your skin will look clearer, energy levels will be higher, and you’re body will work more efficiently as it transports nutrients around the body, and removes toxins.

Fat Loss Tip #1

OK, first day’s tip……

Cut back on sugary and packaged foods


Sugar is one of the worst “foods” you can consume if you’re trying to lose fat. Every time you eat sugar, you get a massive sugar rush into the bloodstream (the energy high), this releases insulin, a hormone from your pancreas which regulates blood sugar levels, and pulls this sugar from your blood stream, for your own protection.

If you’re carbohydrate stores are full (in your muscles and you liver, as carbohydrates are used for energy) they will store this sugar as fat. If you don’t have an active job, you are unlikely to be burning many calories, therefore everytime you eat something sugary, you are increasing your fat stores….simple as that. This includes, cakes, biscuits, sweets, fizzy drinks, ice cream and packaged foods as below.

Check the ingredients of a product – where it says carbohydrates, below it will say, “Of Which Sugars” pay attention to this figure……5g is about 1 level teaspoon…..you will be surprised!!


Packaged foods often fall into the sugary department, as they often contain high levels. The other thing they contain are non-natural foods. Checkout how often wheat is included in something packaged, words you struggle to pronounce. Basically it is man-made, and something the body cannot process into nutrients, and therefore will turn into fat or a toxin in the body.

Eat foods that are natural, and minimise sugar and processed foods – you’ll be surprised at your elevated energy levels alongside a flatter stomach, better skin, and a healthier digestive system.